My visit in a land far, far away from home has been good. I think it's timing was perfect not only for my friend Joy who is only a couple of weeks from welcoming her husband home from his 7 month deployment but also for myself.
Spending my week with a pregnant woman who is mothering a 4 1/2 year old and nearly 3 year old is in many ways exactly what I need.
I've witnessed a gentle love and correction from a mother with a teaching spirit that not only wants her children to behave and be good but also wants them to know the 'whys' to these things.
I genuinely believe she deserves a metal and a vacation. I'm sure she disagrees.
I've also enjoyed nap time, evening girl talk and way, way too much yummy food.
Seriously pumpkin pie shakes before 11 am aren't generally on the agenda (at all), but I won't lie, it's been fun. (Is it weird that we ate chocolate chip cookies while watching a documentary about becoming vegan for the health of it?)
Tonight we did something that I've decided is a new tradition. We did it the first time I came to visit a few years ago. Mac's photo booth.
We laughed until we cried.
I'm pretty sure we're becoming old people as it only took a couple of pictures to make us cry. Probably by the time I visit next we'll need some Depends.
I've also continued to work on some thoughts around my new blog, read a book about writing, and finally pick up the adoption book I've been fearing for weeks. But I think I may have mentioned that.
I'm glad I still have 2 more full days before my return (although I'm missing Wally and my pooches like crazy ... yes Wally, you most). I still have some thinking to do, there's still food to be eaten and definitely a few memories to be made.
I am already dreading Tuesday and going back to work.
I'm hoping that starting my new blog and continuing with my course will be energizing for me. I guess we'll see what happens...
In the mean time I will snuggle up to the stuffed doggie I rummaged out of not quite 3 yr old M's stuffed animal collection and sleep tight.
(Sorry if this wasn't exciting, I'm just trying to get in the habit of writing everyday:)
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