Yes folks, you heard it right, I really think that I am indeed experiencing jet lag. Who knew you could get it from an imaginary journey, or at least a journey of this sort? I have been very exhausted lately and am finding it hard to stay alert all through my day. I don't know, maybe it's my weird schedule of work - whatever it is I hope I can kick it soon!
This morning I woke up bright and early feeling confident that this day would bring another accomplishment for sure! I was in good spirits and the day awaited me. I made a trip to the gym and it went very well. I got to see a few fun (and yes older) ladies I used to work out with when I went to the gym on my own back during school, in the early mornings (lately I've been going more in the late afternoons with a friend - but really I'm a morning person). Yes it was good. I came home and cleaned up ready to tackle #4 on my list - going out for breakfast with Marshmallow (my brother). I had facebooked him immediately after I made my list and we had tentatively planned to go this morning, however we had not completely confirmed things. So I awaited his response, called him on both phones (home and cell) and got no response.
So I waited around until noon, then gave in and e-mailed him hoping to reschedule. I still have not heard back. I have to say I am a bit surprised at his non-responsiveness, just because he is usually very good at getting back to me. Sometimes if he thinks it urgent he will call after seeing a note from me on facebook, rather than waiting for me to e-mail back. I am disappointed that I could not meet with him, for many reasons. I just hope that his is not avoiding me for other reasons (perhaps I'll explain that later). Anyway, I am working later this evening until nearly midnight so I thought I would describe my adventure day 2 before I head out the door.
Though I did not officially complete any items on my list today, I did bury deeper into a couple of them further for next week. I researched the church where I want to attend mass. It's actually a Basilica and a Cathedral - I didn't know the difference before today and it was very interesting (check it out somewhere!). I think that I may actually book a tour of the church for sometime next week - that is if they will do one for only one person. I figured then I could ask a few questions about mass and such for 'outsiders' to the Catholic faith and what I should expect. I don't want to disrespect their practices at all so it may be good to have a heads up first.
I also looked up places I could learn more about the homeless and less fortunate (I'm not sure if I like that term, whatever) in my city. I found one I think that I will also contact to learn more about and hopefully help out with some needs they have. Maybe I will even bring this up at my home church.
I am excited about both of these endeavors and know that if I hadn't challenged myself to do this I would never have explored these places and people on my own - YAY!!! I have also started e-mailing a few people regarding #7, #28, #18, #11. I love e-mail!
I have also been working on reading through the book of John in the Bible. I've read a few chapters now and have to say how interesting I find it that new Christians are pointed towards reading this book first. The first chapter or two are just so full of backwards talk, if I were new I'd be totally confused. Who am I foolin'? I was kinda confused and I knew what it was talking about - at least I think I did. It's not that I don' think it's a good book (as I read further, it does become an easier read), but I always try and see from a newcomer's perspective (at many things regarding the church or otherwise) and to me the very cool 'backward talk' in the beginning of the book could really give someone brain cramps man. I did come across one part last night that struck me - it was talking about how God alone is the one who draws people to Jesus(John 6:43-45)THAT'S cool. God wants me. A lot. How much better does it get than that. 'Nough said.
Well, my fair readers, I bid you good night and hope to ignite within you a desire to LIVE and be challenged in a real way. I have received a few suggestions on some things I can add to my list, please challenge me with more. I will post my final picks next week sometime that will make the cut for my 40 days of fun!
Remember: we are all works in progress ...