Yeah so you would've thought I had this 40 Day thing completely thought out already, as I had my chopsticks going and am already talking about one of the 'bigger items' on the list being attempted. Seriously, it was completely spontaneous. Maybe that means I am actually beginning to get the hang of this adventure we call life.
Anyways, lastnight I was all prepared to go to work, in fact I even went in just before 5pm and showed up to am empty house. The young women I support in this home are quite independent and the empty house has been a trend as of late. I made the necessary calls and was instructed to leave as I was told by a housemate that the young lady I was there to see had plans to be out for the entire night.
On my way home I remembered that I had just had a text conversation with Dee about his next show being that night only 20 minutes away. Initially when I thought of going I thought it'd be really fun to take a couple of the people I support (who LOVE wrestling - many do) and make it a fun night out for them (yes it was for them, not me). However, I knew that as it was literally last minute I did not think I should even bother trying to go through whatever 'red tape' there may be to take them (I figured managers would have to approve or something, there always seems to be hoops and such), hopefully there'd be another chance to do this.
I was left with a decision: to go on my own or to wait for another chance to go when it could be further away and not as convenient with my schedule (and of course my deadline). I talked with Wally, who was terrified for me to go somewhere I didn't know, by my self, at night. Yet clearly not so concerned that he felt the urge to 'keep me safe' and come. He already had plans with a friend to watch a movie Dee had lent him and there was no changing their minds.
I then did what anyone in my position would do: I facebooked my plight. Got people curious (as I obviously wasn't going to say where I was going) but no takers (well a couple people said they would go but they were under the security of distance).
Dee texted me after a while, almost as if he knew I was having a hard time deciding, and at one point I thought I really wasn't going to be brave enough to go, but he tipped the scale of reason and within minutes I found myself grabbing my keys, my GPS, and my scratched out directions in case the GPS screwed up.
It was 8pm and I was headed to the middle of nowhere for ... a wrestling event. Seriously? I questioned my sanity at this point. Like do I have an unhealthy attachment to this guy? Am I a complete loser for entering trailer trash territory (no offense Dee and everyone there)? What the heck is going on here? Never in my life ... wait a minute ... that's why. A learning experience and a peak inside my trainer's life. Peaking is always fun. *chuckling to self*
I am now in the car obeying my GPS. All was fine until the robot told me to make a turn that wasn't on my scratched out list of rights and lefts. I had a few extra minutes so despite my conscience obeyed the chick making demands on me. Which totally took me onto a gravel road. It's at this point I got nervous ... but traveled on.
I was glad I stuck to the GPS because it took me right to the building. Did I mention that this place was on like a native reserve? Oh yeah I forgot that part. I don't mean to be racist or blanket everyone but you know me, I'm gonna give you my honest reaction. As I turned into a beautiful complex and noticed three young native kids exploring someone's pimped out trunk, my heart began to pound heavier and I said several prayers for Chuck (my recently acquired new but used car).
Would I be coming out to Chuck minus tires? Would they beat him up? Should I take my cell charger with me? I had better lock up my Pink CD (because you know they'd be after it. Clearly when nervous one gets irrational).
I slowly (and I do mean slowly) got out of the car and held my new bag (purse - yes I did that without a challenge!) close to my body and weaved my way through a group of smokers at the door to get in. Now Dee told me to tell the guy at the door that I was his friend (Dee's friend, not the guy at the door's, that'd be weird) and I'd get in for free (which come to think of it is a good thing because it had never occurred to me to pay for this).
Well there was no 'guy' so I just slid through the doorway and was greeted by several little boys grouped around Dee like bees to honey. He was signing one kid's arm, I think with a sharpie, which doesn't seem healthy but considering where I was not surprising (yes I know, I'm a horrible person). I instantly pulled up the sleeve of my shirt and told him I wanted an autograph too, but for some reason he refused and made some comment about me being able to see him with his shirt off, to which I drying stated I would try and contain myself.
I went and found a seat furthest away from the 'ring' as I could, doing my best to be inconspicuous. I'm not sure why it mattered because everyone else there had paid and clearly had no inhibitions about being there. I sat down and began to write immediately. I knew this was an event I wanted to remember with clarity for the blog, and for kicks.
It was intermission so a great time to get settled and begin observing the crowd.
The first thing I notice is that at least half the crowd is made up of kids. Those kids were hanging off of everything: the 'ring', each other, the wrestlers. It was like ants on candy man! Most of the group were native(as we were on a reservation - is that politically incorrect?). I noticed two native police at the back of the room who seemed to enjoy the fact that they were so 'lucky' to be here tonight. (I don't think they stopped smiling the entire time).
I saw pop spilled on the floor (we were in a small community centre, probably the size of the gym at my public school. Small). I saw several cute brown faced little boys who didn't seem old enough to know what was going on but were coached enough in life to know to try and smash a pop can with their hands (I saw one kid do this).
I immediately noticed a girl or lady, I'm not sure which. She was one of those people you think could be twenty by their demeanor, but look like they could be forty by their appearance. She was wearing black leggings that didn't go all the way down her legs, a black tank top, a white off the shoulder number which clearly displayed her underclothes perfectly. Oh and the white 'top' had the words 'Marry me Killer' on it. My best guess is that 'Killer' was a wrestler, as I saw 'Killer' t-shirts on others.
This lady also had unnaturally light pink lips, sort of wavy and kinda frizzy light brown hair, big black hoop earrings prominently displayed and was a bit overweight. She also walked with her shoulders perched back as if trying to display her frontal assets with an unruly amount of pride.
There was another similar lady only older, with darker frizzy hair, a black trench coat, high heeled sandals, the black leggings and brighter pink lipstick. Same strut and everything. (Guess I should've got out my leggings, frizzy hair and pink lipstick!!)
I suddenly felt like a 'cool kid'. Not sure why, probably my white, middle class pride getting out of control. I had to remind myself these people were just as human as I. Or maybe I as them.
Anyway soon the show got underway and there was a clear ringing of the bell, loud music and the yelling began. The first match I was there for was between some 'Sergeant' (I don't know how to spell) and some guy that I thought ate too many hamburgers for someone in the tight little outfit that he was wearing.
The first thing I noticed was the incredible fearlessness that the kids had. They were yelling and hollering their heads off at these huge grown men. These big guys were yelling back for the crowds' approval and clearly to stir everyone up. The funny part was it worked. I kinda felt like I was in the twilight zone, but I'm pretty sure that's just my economic standing talking.
The chanting began, along with the extremely loud hits, falls and swings. More than one time I wanted to grab certain body parts in efforts to make sure they weren't hurt. Even body parts I didn't have.
After what seemed to be a prescribed amount of time and several false 'just about wins' on each competitor's behalf the 'Sergeant' won, well I think we won, I can't remember now. The crowd mocked the 'bad guy' (well I think the other guy was the bad guy, it's hard to tell), and the round was over.
Next up was a chick match. First comes out this pasty looking dude who is super skinny and looks like a goth, no muscles and to be honest a seriously odd ass (seriously, never seen one like this on a guy his age or stature before). He had huge long frizzy dark hair and have I mentioned the oddness of his backyard?
Anyhoo, the little soap opera romance was with his equivalent female friend who had on a phoofy dress type thing you don't generally imagine wrestlers wearing (even female ones). More than one time I was very concerned her girls were going to come out a flyin'. She had black shredded nylons on that left me trying to picture her actually getting into them and it was very interesting in my head.
Her opponent was clearly the crowd favourite, as she should be with the perfect body with curves in all the right places, appropriate fake beating-people-up attire with a delightful cherry on her little rump. Fitting of course because her name was Cherry Blaster. Actually no that's not right, that's what I call her, her name was Cherry Bomb. She had long straight dark hair with the perfect amount of pink dashed here and there and a lovely bright pink bra peaking out perfectly (very dead on style for the locals).
On we go, their match was pretty much the same as the one before only with boobs involved and the spare part (being the goth BF). This time the 'good gal' didn't win though which set up the crowd to be nice and feisty for the final CAGE MATCH!!!
Yes ladies and gentlemen that's what I said. I got to see a real live cage match. I'll never be the same. There was a bit of a break so the high school kids could assemble the 'cage' then the show went on.
So, by the way, this was the final competition of the night and it did indeed involve Dee A.K.A. Danger Boy and some big guy with a bandanna. I have to mention something, generally I am completely unaffected by looks, don't really care about them, often don't notice. After seeing too many people that night in too tight of clothing, I have to say Dee looked great. A bit over tanned but I think that's the look he goes for. He definitely looked like a pro (yeah I said it don't let it go to your little head).
The men got introduced and began to rumble around (and I mean around, not in) the cage revving up the audience before getting down to business. In fact for the longest time I couldn't figure out why the heck they spent so long setting up this cage, they weren't even using it!
I'm sure the people there were enthralled because the match came to them, literally. The fight ensued right amongst the chairs, coincidentally where I was sitting. Here I thought the back was 'out of harms way', clearly not lastnight. Chairs were being thrown, everyone went scrambling, I got a chair in the leg (which I later noted to Dee should be grounds for a free shake on him but he didn't agree). It was chaos and the police guys in the back were in heaven.
See, if I had been a kid there I'd already be crying in my mother's lap at this point, scared out of my tree that someone would be hurt. Not this crowd of kids. They ate it up. I'm trying to decide if that's the parenting they got, naturally good survival skills or just plain stupidity. Whatever it was it didn't matter, after several minutes on the actual floor, and too many winces on my part to count, the two men made their way to the cage finally.
I can condense this with a few words: one guy climbed up the cage, the other grabbed his foot at the last second, the other guy climbed up the cage and soon got his foot grabbed and pulled back down. That happened a few times to each with some big slaps, 'pile drivers', jumps and shouts dispersed between it all. Oh and I can't leave out the countless times I said a prayer for Dee's jewels too (and my own for a matter of fact - yeah I know, I don't even have any).
In the end Dee won the big shiny belt thing that I'm quite sure he doesn't take home with himself at night, the crowd is pleased and the world is at peace.
There was a guy who came out and shouted 'Free food' and there was a stampede. I hope the guy got out alive. Who am I kidding, I really don't care.
I sat for a minute in my spot as I watched the scantly clad ladies round up their offspring. I noticed that my cheeks hurt from the perma-smile I had. Seriously, I don't really 'Laugh Out Loud' ever (it takes a lot), but if there was an equal action to it for me, this would've been it.
It wasn't a prideful 'These people are so stupid' smile (ok part of it could have been), but more of an 'I think I can understand why some people could be entertained by this'. And the fact that I got in free and everyone else paid ten bucks.
As I got up to leave I ran into a former College classmate. We chatted it up, he introduced me to his friend who seemed way to excited to meet a girl who would talk to them. Then I headed off to my Chuck. And success. He was in perfect condition.
As I settled into my dark car I plugged in my GPS and noticed something was wrong with it - RATS!! This is what I was worried about: strange place, dark, getting late not knowing where to go and did I mention that I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction? As I drove home with a prayer or two in my pocket I got a few texts from Dee wondering what my thoughts were. I told him that my thoughts were on the gravel road I was driving down on my way home and we had lots to talk about on Monday. He really wanted to know what I thought. I guess if he looks this address up he'll really know...
I did get texting with him during the one match and told him that honestly I respected him for doing his this. Years ago I would've never appreciated something I didn't understand. Let's be real here, I do NOT understand professional wrestling, nor will I pretend to. But from what I know about Dee in our short 2 months of training together is that he is a believer in living life, in pursuing your goals and dreams. That I respect him for ... big time.
I mean really, you've got to give him credit for running around in his underwear putting the future of his potential children at risk (ok I think he's done with that but still). Not to mention his life and limb (even though he said he was fine after - I wasn't).
Overall, I am glad I went. It was a great story to tell, I got to see the 'other side' of my trainer (actually I got to see many sides of my trainer *giggling girlishly*), and perhaps a step towards understanding more fully why I don't believe in spandex.
Oh boy, I have so much to talk to him about tomorrow...