Yup, time to sit in the circle, hold hands and sing the good bye song. Although I'm pretty sure if I requested this K and M would look at me like I'd lost my mind.
Side note:
The other day I made a deal - though one sided- with K and said 'Does that sound like a plan Stan?'
To which he replied: 'I don't know who Stan is.'
This vacation has been full of good times that I am thankful for. LOTS of kid time. Lots of girlfriend time (which mostly consisted of eating while watching food shows about not eating). Naps. Reading. A little blogging. Lots of thinking about becoming a parent.
The latter came up hourly really as I worried often I would not be able to handle any toddler, let alone one that would be new to our family and have one of their own already. I've questioned over and over this week whether Wally and I are ready for all of the challenges an older child adoption may hold for us and starting our parenting journey at such an especially challenging age.
I just pray that we are given all of the tools we need to be who we need to be for this new little one and each other through out the rest of our lives.
Although I know we really ought to only be concerned with one day at a time.
In 3 days we start our parenting classes for our adoption requirements. Yikes!!!
I sensed something different the week before coming on this trip. An urgency to get things done. An extra busyness above the 'week before vacation' feeling I usually get.
I have a feeling that once the plan hits the landing strip my wheels will just be starting up. And I'm not sure when they will stop.
Joy and I were chatting about the fact that she couldn't believe that she's due in 9 weeks and that really wasn't all that much time.
I stared at her in shock and said: 'In 9 weeks we'll be done our adoption course and we could potentially be waiting'.
I. Just. Can't. Believe. It.