Friday, March 18, 2011

On our way!

Well soon, soon!!!

I really shouldn't be blogging when our plan is to leave the house in 3 hrs and we still have a list to finish. Buuuuuuuut .... you know.

Things I've done this morning...

* After telling Wally I finally have a good 7 hrs of sleep he replied 'Yeah, I know. Your nose sounded like a socket wrench all night long.' He then jumped out of bed, found a socket wrench and demonstrated how annoying I sounded.

* Even though we really had no extra time today we decided to have clean pancakes. at breakfast as I went to have a drink of water Wally raised his water glass and we toasted to our trip!

* I have taken disgusting medicine for my engine nose and now congested chest. I'm not sure whether I'm glad my ears are plugged or not.

* My parents came and picked up our doglets. Wally was sad he didn't get a chance to pet them good bye.

* I did a mountain of dishes. Folded laundry. Collected garbage and recycling. Cleaned out the fridge. And sorted coins for deposit to Compasio

* I played 'Don't you dare eat your poo' with Sweet, who seemed to LOVE me yelling at him and standing in front of his 'treat'.

* Wrote out instructions for dog sitters

What we still need to do....

* finish packing

* change my purse

* make the final donation deposit at the bank then do it online.

* Get traveler's cheques

* shower and get rid of the VERY entertaining nest on my head

* print out all of our hotel info. and a couple of informative e-mails

* e-mail dog sitters

* pray my cold goes away.

And ... likely another dozen things. Soooooo, I'd better get going!

To anyone that has made a donation towards my goal of $10 000 for Compasio, THANK YOU!!! We are nearly a third of the way there (including cheques that don't come up on my link)!!!

I will enjoy for you seeing where it is actually going and the people that are benefiting from it. God Bless you for giving of yourself!

Well, this is it for a while. Pray, pray, pray for safety, healing, fun and positive outcomes!


Eva :)