Tuesday, August 16, 2011

For the committed ones ...

A second post today. Short and sweet.

No doubt it'll blow your mind.

ok, maybe I'm being a tad sarcastic but here you go...

* there are a lot more stressors to my job (for me, maybe I'm just not tough enough) than first thought

* being more positive helped a bit

* I love coming home

* A young lady I support who I didn't see last week for long due to a trip, came straight over tonight and gave me a hug when she first saw me. This has never happened to me before and pretty much made my entire life.

* Humour may not cure the crazies but it definitely helps ... a lot.

* I actually did not know what I fed someone for supper tonight in the nursing home. Not a clue.

* I accidentally locked one of my dogs in my bedroom again for most of the day. Oops.

* I'm trying a popular sauce recipe tomorrow night with broiled tofu. We'll see if this vegan sauce lives up to it's name. (It's called Mmmmmmm Sauce).

* I'm starting to freak out about the fact we're going to be parents within a year or two. I know there's possibly still lots of time but ..... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

* I want Glo to move back.

* For some reason my running has been crap lately and I haven't even been able to run 3 miles since I ran 5 miles a couple weeks ago. I guess one week off was a bad idea.

* I may have found a cure for my 'runner's bloat' post long run. However I did three things differently and there's no way for me to know which item did the trick or if all three are required. Oops again.

* In two and a half weeks I'm on vacation and will be spending it with Joy (my maid of honour) and her kids in a hot land far away. I'm looking forward to a change of pace.

* I'm watching my Sweet (oldest dog) lay peacefully on the shag rug he barfed up his poo on (yes, I said 'barfed up his poo' and no I did not get it wrong). He looks adorable ... and scruffy.

* In order to get love you must give it, in some way. I need to get giving.

* I argued with someone I support tonight that outside smelled like poo. She said 'no it smells like skunk!'. I said 'Ok, it smells like skunk poo!'. She continued to disagree with my theory.

* I wish we could chat. You know, get to know each other for real.

That's all.


1 comment:

Zoe said...

Come on vacation!! The hot land is ready for you! =0)