Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I thought I'd better check in with my bloggy peeps and let you know that I have not disappeared, in fact quite the opposite!

I am diligently working on completing my 'List' by Friday, leaving me only 2 more days (one of which I am working a full shift). I have just realized how incredibly tired I am from all of my socializing and prioritizing of this 'List' leaving it difficult for me to find time to blog. Do not despair though (ok so I realize you won't be despairing) I am going to be blogging each of the rest of my days left of my adventure, it just won't be done for a couple of days.

Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you - I have been having a blast!



Zoe said...

Can't wait! =0)

Wally said...

I'm incredibly tired just from watching you.