I’ve been thinking and thinking trying to figure out what I should do my first post on. I didn’t want it to be contrived or premeditated. Wally suggested I write one that gives a little background to who I am and a bit of my recent history, so I am going to take up his suggestion and just type hoping that it’ll give you a window into where I am coming from (at least to start with)…
Wally and I met in high school during our final year. He was a year older than I but we were both graduating (we had an option at our school to go an extra year to prep us for university). I snagged him in English class for help on a project (since I didn’t know anyone else much). We started spending some time together on the project and as a result built a close friendship rather quickly. After several weeks we knew that we had to choice: a relationship or bust. We had a pretty close friendship, not the best kind to have while you are having a relationship with someone else. Wally went away for a training camp for 2 weeks and it was then we felt God speak to his heart and say ‘that’s the girl for you’. While Wally was away I had pretty much come to the conclusion that a relationship with each other wouldn’t work since we were from two very different Christian backgrounds that often conflicted with one another. We both realized this probably wasn’t the best way to carry on in a relationship so we’d initially assumed ‘Hey why not share everything with each other since we’ll never be romantically involved!’ (This is what probably bonded us so fast). Boy we were wrong… Wally came back and revealed to me that we felt sure that God had spoken to his heart that I was ‘THE one’ for him. After he told me that I was shocked. I had pretty much prepared myself to let him go so he could find the perfect girl for him (even though I’d really miss his friendship). I had heard those words from another person before whom I felt nothing for (and remember at this point we were very good friends but there really wasn’t a romantic attraction, we were relying on Someone else to help us figure this out). Anyways, I told Wally that if it was true that I would be shown the same thing and at that point I hadn’t been – AT ALL! Wally said that was fine, he’d wait (also words I’d heard before). Anyway not too many days later I ‘came to’ and knew that Wally indeed was right – we were meant to be together.
A little less than 3 years later Wally and I tied the knot. I think we only ever went out on one date-type outing (and that was before we were a ‘couple’). We went for ice cream just for fun and he insisted on paying – WEIRD!!! Friends don’t pay for friends! I was incredibly uncomfortable the whole time and somehow I got out of ever having to go through that awkwardness again. From the start have been great friends. (I have to mention that when we started out he was love sick over another girl we went to school with). He thought I was flaky and I thought he was a total geek … needless to say that changed and our relationship developed out of a common love for God and a deep respect for each other.
It all sounds so romantic when I write this now … but you will soon find out romance has never really been our niche.
wow, thus far you blog is seriously intense! I've already completely fallen in love with Eva and Wally!
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